
The ForwardingPlane - A wealth of rambling run-on sentences, misspellings, rants, and technical babble.

Mar. 11, 2025

IPB170 - RFC 7050 vs RFC 8781 for IPv6 Prefix Discovery

In this episode of the IPv6 Buzz, we dive into two RFCs for discovering IPv6 prefixes: RFC7050 and RFC8781. Why these two? First, 8781 is being proposed as preferential to 7050. Second, I happen to be a co-author on the draft that proposes the preference for 8781 and as usual, I have “insights” to share. We start with some background on RFC 7050, including the limitations that led to the development of RFC 8781.

Feb. 28, 2025

Scripting URL normalization and resolution

From time to time most network and / or security engineers will need to normalize the output of a set of URLs to either IP literals or a formatted list of DNS names. This can be particularly useful for feeding intelligence feeds or creating block/allow lists. There are probably 10,000 other scripts to do this, but this one is mine. Potential use cases: Building custom pihole block / allow lists Building intelligence feeds Creating ACL lists Creating feeds for BGP filters Probably other stuff Benefits / Features

Feb. 20, 2025

IPB169 - 10 Years of the UK IPv6 Council

The UK IPv6 Council is one of the longest running non-profit technology user groups promoting and sharing best practices on IPv6 deployment and adoption. On this episode of IPv6-Buzz we speak with Veronika McKillop, President of the UK IPv6 Council about their 10 year history and what is planned for the future.